Tuesday, June 05, 2007

6/10/2007 No Talking Heads Topics (work in progress . . .)
(guests will be TJ Johnson, Jacqui Brown-Miller, Geov Parrish)


Plan B legal action possible; Board sends Thriftway case to legal team
- Olyblog coverage
- Olympian coverage
Update on Shelton raid?
Candidates for Olympia City Council, Mayor and Port of Olympia
Olympia apartment deal near


Libby Receives 30 Months in Prison in CIA Leak Case


Listening to Steve Scherr interview Al Gore (click on the picture to go to audio of the show on KUOW website) - I love how Gore is coming off as a media critic - let me point out that Noam Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent" made all of these same points almost twenty years ago and this is not a new critique. It is a good critique he is making.

My criticism of Gore is that he is making this critique too little, too late. Access to media is BETTER these days because of the internet. The TV has less relevance, in my opinion, than when Gore was Vice President.

I guess I'm glad Gore is making these points but it's so disheartening sometime to work on media issues your whole life and then have someone come along in your later years and say, "Oh, by the way, you were right!" (OK, I'm only 37 but I've been at it for over a decade).